BRI Deposit Requirements That Need to be Considered

Learn the complete requirements for opening a deposit at Bank BRI, including identity requirements, initial deposits, and taxes to consider.

Deposits are one of the investment products that are in great demand by the Indonesian people because they offer higher returns compared to regular savings.

Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) is one of the largest banks in Indonesia that provides deposit services for its customers.

If you are interested in opening a deposit account at BRI, here are the requirements you need to know so that the deposit account opening process runs smoothly.

1. Have a savings account at BRI

The first requirement that must be met to open a deposit account at BRI is to have a savings or checking account at BRI bank.

This is a provision that cannot be ignored, because deposits at BRI can only be opened by customers who already have an active account at the bank. You can open a BRI savings account first through the nearest branch office or online if you are already registered as a BRI customer.

The savings or checking account in question functions as the main account to manage the funds you will deposit. If you already have a savings account at BRI, the process of opening a deposit account will be easier.

2. Prepare Identity

Identity is one of the important requirements that must be prepared when opening a deposit at BRI. For Indonesian citizens (WNI), the document that needs to be prepared is the Population Identity Card (KTP).

You can also use a Driving License (SIM) or Passport as an alternative valid identity. If you have a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP), you are also advised to include it, although this is not required for all customers.

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These documents are essential when opening a BCA Deposit, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free process for securing your investment.

For Foreign Citizens (WNA), the required documents are a valid passport. In addition, you must also attach a Temporary Residence Permit Card (KIMS) or Temporary Stay Permit Card (KITAS) as legal proof that you are living in Indonesia legally.

Make sure that your identity documents are still valid and comply with the provisions set by BRI.

3. Paying Taxes

Taxes are unavoidable in the world of investment, including deposits. After you open a deposit account at BRI and deposit funds into it, you will get a return in the form of a competitive interest rate according to the deposit tenor you choose. This return will be taxed according to applicable provisions.

As a customer, you are required to pay tax on the interest earned from deposits. The tax is usually deducted directly by the bank when the interest is received, so you don’t need to worry about taking care of the tax separately.

However, make sure you understand the amount of tax imposed, which usually follows the rules in effect at that time. You can also ask BRI Bank for further information about this tax when opening a deposit.

4. Fulfill the Initial Deposit

One of the requirements that must be met when opening a deposit at BRI is to meet the initial deposit. BRI Bank has different initial deposit provisions depending on how you open a deposit.

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If you open a deposit directly through a BRI bank work unit at the nearest branch, the minimum initial deposit is IDR 10,000,000.

However, if you open a deposit through BRI internet banking, you can open a deposit with a lower initial deposit, starting from IDR 5,000,000.

On the other hand, if you plan to make a deposit in a larger amount, BRI bank also provides a maximum deposit option of up to IDR 100,000,000 through internet banking. That way, customers can adjust the amount of the deposit to their needs and abilities.

5. Pay stamp duty

When opening a deposit at BRI, there is a stamp duty that needs to be paid by the customer. This fee is charged when opening a deposit account and when withdrawing funds.

The amount of stamp duty charged will follow the applicable provisions based on government regulations in force in Indonesia. You will be informed about the stamp duty that needs to be paid by a bank officer during the deposit account opening process.

Even though the stamp duty fee seems small, it is very important to fulfill it because it is part of the legality of the transaction being carried out. This stamp duty also applies to agreement documents between customers and BRI Bank that record the opening and disbursement of deposits.

Benefits of Making Deposits at BRI

In addition to knowing the requirements that need to be met, it is also important to understand some of the benefits that customers get when choosing a deposit at BRI. Here are some of the benefits you can get:

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1. Competitive Interest Rates

BRI offers competitive interest rates in the market, which allows customers to get higher returns compared to regular savings types. BRI also provides different interest rate options according to the deposit tenor option.

2. Flexible Tenor Options

BRI Deposits offer a variety of tenor options, ranging from 1 month to 12 months, which provide flexibility for customers to choose according to their investment needs. That way, customers can choose a time that suits their financial plan.

3. Safe Fund Storage

BRI deposits have a high level of security because they are protected by the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS). This means that the funds you invest in BRI deposits will be guaranteed by LPS up to a certain amount, providing a sense of security for customers.

4. Ease of Opening an Account

The process of opening a deposit account at BRI is relatively easy and can be done either at a branch office or online through BRI Internet Banking. Thus, customers can choose the most convenient way to open a deposit.

Opening a deposit at BRI is a smart choice for those of you who want to invest funds to get higher returns than saving in a regular account.

With relatively easy requirements to meet, such as having a savings account at BRI, preparing your identity, paying taxes, and meeting the initial deposit and stamp duty, you can enjoy various benefits from BRI Deposits.

Make sure you know all these requirements and prepare them well before opening a deposit account at Bank BRI.